The List

My family members are forcing me to make a Christmas list.

christmas 2007

christmas 2007 (Photo credit: paparutzi)

Making a Christmas list is hard for me. I don’t like telling other people what to get me. I don’t mind letting people know what I’m interested in, but I sometimes feel like a Christmas list is just me being greedy. Putting all those items down in one place, feels like I’m telling people that they have to meet requirements from my list.

I also like to be surprised. I get my fun at Christmas from two things these days. The first, is finding a great present for someone that I know they’ll love. It’s such an exciting time watching someone open something you picked out for them and watching their face light up. It’s just the best. The other fun thing is being surprised.

When I was a kid, I wanted certain things off my list. Those were the things I was hoping for and expecting. not getting those was disappointing. As an adult, I’m almost as excited to see what other people thought I would appreciate. I like to be surprised.

That’s another one of those things that just really changes tone from childhood to adulthood. As a kid, making a Christmas list, anticipating what you might get, and all the excitement leading up to the big day was the norm. as an adult, it’s about hoping people like what you got them, spending time with the family and the happy feelings.

Well, I suppose I should back to finding more things for my list. Since I HAVE to make one, I try to put lots of things on there. I want people to see things I’m interested in and then make their own choices.

I have research to do!

Apology Accepted

I feel I owe you all my utmost and deepes- Ok I can’t do that with a straight face anymore.

I missed a few days because I’ve been crazy busy. Deal with it.


(kind of)

I have to admit, between excellent new TV shows, and the upcoming November sweeps week, television has also stolen my soul and will to live. I promise that I have these gand plans when I come home about all the awesome things I’m going to get accomplished in the hours between 6 and 12.

Then the funny moving pictures start and I turn in to Nero; content to watch the world burn around me as long as I am entertained. Dance for me television puppets…dance.

Anywho, I don’t really have an excuse, and I’ve not got much to write about. I still have that big thing I mentioned before, and I came up with a funny story about this job interview I went on once. It wasn’t funny when it happened to me, it was generally a terrifying and wholly disheartening experience, which probably means it makes for good comedy when told properly.

Also, We’re headed into that awesome gauntlet of the ‘Holiday Season’ That has basically begun to stretch from the minute Halloween is over until after New Year’s Day. I tend to both love and despise the holidays, which means there might be some nuggets of self-loathing comedic gold to mine for. Maybe I’ll find some of that to share with you.

Well, that’s all folks.

For now.
